For Happy Families

Lifestyle Rezolutions is the Home of Healthy Lifestyles! We empower families to achieve happier & healthier lives with our easy-to-use products & programs.

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For Memory Care

Brain health is a key aspect of longevity, clarity and well-being: learn why we pay special attention to memory, tactile interaction, and mental health.

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Technology Overload

Learn how we're helping families keep it together in the busiest world we've ever lived in!

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Solutions that Work

From our drafting board to your home, read about the passion that puts Lifestyle Rezolutions above the rest.

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"I may not always be with you, but when we're far apart, remember you will be with me, right inside my heart."

- Marc Wambolt

Helping You Build a Happy Family

As kids, teens, adults, grandparents, and everywhere in between, family truly matters. Lifestyle Rezolutions creates solutions to help families connect back to the basics and lead simpler, stress-free lives together!

Bringing Families Closer Together

Family means everything. Giving love, support, smiles and more, we believe family is at the heart of healthy lifestyles.

When you support Lifestyle Rezolutions products & programs, you help families like your own teach their children essential lifeskills, create cooperative families, and promote healthy development in the home and beyond.

Encouraging Sensible Lifestyles

We are a team of lifestyle specialists and health care professionals that believe in physical, mental, and spiritual wellness through mindful living and healthy choices.

Our programs encourage habits & behaviors that are time-tested and proven to boost well-being. Maintaining an organized home, a healthy body, personal goals, and so forth; these are the pillars of a proper lifestyle, not commercial diets or the next big trend, and you'll see that difference in our specially designed products.

The fruit of our effort is in seeing new happy & healthy lifestyles flourish, and with so many different programs to offer, we're overjoyed to help as many wonderful individuals and families as we do!

Is Technology Taking Over Your Family Time?

A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that on average children will interact with entertainment technology for 7.5 hours daily. When you add sleep and school on top of that, there's not much time left in a day! What does this mean for their childhood development and quality family time together?

It's time to take back the home and remember family values! Our solutions motivate all ages to get up and be productive. Why do chores? Because they have to be done, and everyone will have fun doing them together! We want to help families create a positive environment where you can communicate without clashing, learn lifeskills and make lasting memories.

Unlike TV, video games, computers, smartphones, and other electronics, our programs promote living in the real world! Children, teens, adults, all ages are guilty of spending too much time on digital lives - we want to bring you and your family back to the basics with easy & interactive products for organization, family communication, and personal wellness so you can find balance in your busy lives.

Making Happy Homes

Supporting Children's Development

Easy to Use Products

Promoting Personal Development

No-Nonsense Lifestyle Habits

Memory & Long-Term Wellness

Lifestyle Rezolutions recognizes the importance of engaging an active mind. Creating stimulating, educative content within our products and programs, all ages are able to benefit from our tools.

Making Meaningful Connections

Much like an athlete, your brain requires mental exercise to stay in shape and perform like a winner! Not everything in our easy-thinking world counts as exercise either; a healthy brain needs a present challenge or activity, and a reason WHY helps too.

Developing tools to get your mind active requires Lifestyle Rezolutions' special attention to key memory & cognition factors, integrated into our programs through associated imagery, clear instruction, and interactive experiences using real world objects instead of screens lacking real-world attachment.

Here is the Difference:

Which are you more likely to forget: a phone number, or your keys?

Yes, your cell phone will hold onto the phone number for you - but what happens if you lose your phone? What happens if it was an emergency number, or you get lost and need to be picked up?

Consider how your reliance on technology can be dangerous; start using your own memory for your own mental health & well-being!

What Do Our Brains Manage For Us?

  • Memory
  • Speech
  • Planning
  • Comprehension
  • Movement
  • Hearing
  • Vision
  • Interpretation
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Bodily Systems

Our brains are responsible for so much! It's obvious we need to take special care of them. But in a modern world of touch screens and flashing lights, it's difficult for our brains to tell what's going on all the time.

In related challenges that hit close to home with us, we have learned the importance of bringing a natural experience back into the home and wish to help families preserve precious memories through good health and proper know-how.

Memory Care Tips

  1. 1. Handwrite Your Notes
  2. 2. Take Brain Breaks
  3. 3. Consider Physical Exercise*
  4. 4. Read a Book

Want to know why we recommend these activities and find out more? Read our article on Memory Care Tips here.
* Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise program!

Mentally Engaging Programs

Physical Product Design

Professionally Developed

Stopping Information Overload

We design solutions that bring LIFE into focus. Families can interact with our real-world products to live more organized, healthy, and successful lives with less stress from technology.

What is Information Overload

Your brain can only hold so much information at once. Try to shove more in and much like pouring water into a full glass, room has to be made. You may think it's simple forgetfulness, a so-called 'senior moment,' or stress, but experts call this Information Overload (IO) - and it severely affects comprehension, brain function, and well-being for all ages.

Information Overload occurs far more frequently than most people realize. Social isolation, physical inactivity, poor eating habits and more can all stem from an individual suffering an overexposed, overloaded lifestyle - and they might not even know it. That's why it's important we spent time away from technology, to enjoy the outdoors, family, and your own independence. It's time we put down our devices and give each other and oruselves the respect we deserve! Strike up conversation, make eye contact, and spend time in real life, you'll be happy you did!

Lifestyle Rezolutions is proud to stand for happy, healthy living. We develop simple & effective programs that don't cause overload and ensure every step is easy, fun and fruitful.

The Dangers of Information Overload

Business and media control much more of our headspace than we realize. Our modern world is filled with things trying to appeal to our instincts: sugary pre-packaged food, sales adverts fill the streets, and a THOUSAND commercials play for gadgets, weight loss, cars, vacations, and much more.

Now that our kids have access everything in their pockets, and nobody to tell them better, shouldn't we know when to unplug? How much is too much?

Read our article on The Negative Effects of Technology on You

Step by Step Guidance

Physical Product Design

Reduce Radiation / Eye Strain

Stop Sedentary Lifestyles

Promote Mental Cognition

Why We Made Our Solutions

Lifestyle Rezolutions programs are more than just kits. Containing key factors to lifestyle success, our team has assembled complete strategies to EMPOWER you to achieve!

Designing for All Lifestyles

Lifestyle Rezolution Company designs solutions for well-being. We give the choice to improve your lifestyle, your way - and provide you with the tools to keep it working for you!

With personal & professional experience in nursing, lifestyle support, elder health, nutrition & wellness, organized living, memory care and more, our products are backed with experience.

  • Fitness
  • Motivation / Inspirational
  • Planning and Organizational Tools
  • Memory & Tactile Function
  • Social & Family Life
  • Reduce Stress and Improve Clarity
  • Emotional / Self Confidence
  • Family & Team Work

There are over 30 available lifestyle products f or you and your family. Created, carried, and personally enjoyed by us at Lifestyle Rezolutions, we know you'll find something to love.

Made with Love & Compassion

Using high quality materials and attractive designs from front to back, our team has specified every detail. From the inspiring images included on each of our EZ•DO communication cards to the fun colours of our token rewards for kids, every consideration has been made for you and your family's fun, safety, and education.

Accomplished Lifestylists

Education for Life

Supporting a Green Globe

The Home of Healthy Lifestyles

Lifestyle Rezolutions is more than just a company - we're a team of believers and achievers. We represent opportunities for families to share memories enjoying life, love, health and happiness together. It's time we limit our use of distracting devices and see eye-to-eye again: It's time to be family! We are Lifestyle Rezolutions, and together we can transform your house into The Home of Healthy Lifestyles!

Lifestyle Rezolutions couldn't happen without your support, and we hope you've enjoyed learning a little more about us! Thank you.

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